Oscar Romp

"Very accomplished."
Melissa Digby-Bell
White Cube Gallery

Special Projects

Group work invoving students or artists, working within a creative design brief and leading to the presentation of completed artworks for exhibition or display within a permanent site-specific context.

Below is the Coulsden College Trytych which illustrates fully the way in which my creative processes can be adapted and applied in an educational setting.

Coulsden College Triptych

Collaborative site-specific mural workshop with A/Level Arts Students

Commissioned by Coulsden College

Acrylic on MDF wood panel


As above

Images were concieved and designed to scale before being drawn and painted off-site

My role as commissioned artist was that of a mentor, helping the students to steer their own creative activity within a structured process

Acrylic on MDF wood panel


As above

Students worked in rotation form one area of painting to another

This allowed for a fusion of individual painting and drawing styles

The students worked with close reference to their three-quarter size scale drawings

Acrylic on MDF wood panel


As above

This working-project experience was truly collaborative

It developed the students' practical and mathematical skills as well as their artistic ability

Acrylic on MDF wood panel


As above

The subject matter was the life of the college and its immediate environment

This was juxstaposed with images representing the pursuits and ambitions of the students

Acrylic on MDF wood panel


As above

The students created and edited their imagerey and executed the mural with a direct, hands-on appraoch

I acted as facilitator, advisor and practical leader

Acrylic on MDF wood panel