Oscar Romp

"An extremely accompished artist."
Alice Palmer
Fine Art Commissions Ltd


Practical group sessions or individual tutorials designed to stimulate interest in the visual arts and to motivate and energise participants, particularly within the context of Arts for Health. I can target such work, for example, at professional meetings/conferences, school children/students or disadvantaged groups within the community.

The Lovon Underground

Client artwork form collaborative workshops and tutorials at the Sussex Beacon

Year of the Artist residency


Collage and composition workshop

Clients and staff

Sussex Beacon

Year of the Artist residency


Figurative drawing workshops with school children

Danson Road Primary School

In these workshops the children explored the them of the environment

As above

Danson Road Primary School

The children developed their drawings and ideas into a series of site-specific mural panels for the school dining room

As above

The children were directly involved in the practical process and decision making at every stage of the proceedings

This was in line with the school's educational remit and agenda